The Dynamics of Music and The Lord

The Dynamics of Music and The Lord

Notes from Shirley from October 2023 Newsletter
One of the other important aspects of music besides rhythm and tempo is dynamics. The simple definition is that dynamics means how quietly or loudly a piece of music should be played or sung. But it’s so much more than that. Dynamics is about the intensity, space, tension, aggression, or gentleness of the music.
The dynamics of music has been a part of creation since the beginning. Birds sing, trees rustle in the blowing wind, seas pound or gently lap on the shore. We see the dynamics of Scripture. Psalm 37:7 says to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him.” 

Habakkuk 2:20 calls us into worship “The Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silent before Him.” We come into God’s presence quietly so that we can hear him speak through the gentleness of creation. The psalmist tells us that our souls find rest in God. 
Yet we are reminded in Psalm 98 of the jubilant, joyful worship that comes from trumpets blasting, hands clapping, and people singing and shouting for joy. There is a great celebration of the great things God has done and all creation joins in! Our lives are the music that tells the story of the redemption and hope we have in Christ. We quiet our hearts as we speak to Him in prayer. We share the joyful music of what living in relationship with a God is all about. God composes the melodies and harmonies of our lives. He invites us to move in rhythm with Him. Sometimes He speaks to us in a still, small voice and sometimes He speaks to us with the roar of a lion.
What music will your life express today?
Praising God with you,
Pastor Shirley
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