Animal Kingdom Community

Animal Kingdom Community

I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”  Psalm 122:1
From Pastor Matt Judd in the October 2023 Newsletter
We’ve spent September in the book of 2 Timothy, being encouraged to have a relentless faith in Jesus, encouraged through the words Paul wrote to Timothy, as Paul prepared for certain death in a Roman prison because of his faith in Jesus. From personal experience, I’ve learned that it’s one thing to talk a good game (and most anyone can do that) but a whole different thing to actually live it. More and more, I’m realizing in profound ways the critical role others play, like each of you, in helping me live what I believe.
I know that I may sound like a broken record on the necessity of Christian community but the more I read, the more I study, and the more I spend time with people inside and outside the church, the more this necessity is reinforced. The social sciences, the public polling and the Bible all intersect on this point – we need people in our lives because meaningful relationships deepen our faith, strengthen our mental health, and grow our character.
Peter, who knew something about being pursued by the devil, once warned his hearers, Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8. I recently came across the connection between the devil and a lion in something I was reading. If you’ve ever watched a lion hunt, you quickly learn that lions are ferocious predators, but they are really lazy hunters. Think about that for a minute – lions don’t pursue their prey for miles (like wolves) – but are opportunistic. They pick off the isolated who get separated from the herd (because they are too young, old, or sick to keep up). They also pick off the loners and the radical individualists who stray away from the herd. Peter reminds us that the devil is ferocious but opportunistic and so it’s to our benefit to stay with the herd.
On a similar note, have you ever seen a herd of elephants come under threat from a predator? Their response is awe-inspiring as they surround their weaker members to the middle and then the bull elephants turn, tusks out, to face the predator. The challenge is offered, “Bring it – if you think you can get past us with your life still intact.” I don’t recall ever seeing a predator, or pack of predators for that matter, attack that formation.
It’s funny how God has created the animal kingdom in a way that reminds humans of our need for community as well. We need to learn and relearn this lesson as we face the challenges of a culture increasingly at odds with biblical principles. We gather together to encourage and be encouraged, to find strength and healing as needed, and to remember our unity with the saints around our community and our world. Sometimes, we need the healing in the center while at other times, we’re called to be the circle of defense. In either location, remember that you are a valuable part of the herd and loved by Jesus.

See you in church!
Pastor Matt
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