Ready to take the next step in your Christian education?

Gain wisdom. Live faithfully. Act courageously.

Quarter One

Everyone has a worldview. Actually, a worldview has everyone. It is a mark of being created in the image and likeness of God. We are driven to make sense of the world and our place in it. Students will learn how to understand and identify worldviews, how they manifest in the resulting culture, and where they compare and contrast with the Christian worldview. 

Quarter Two

We are usually unaware of how deeply our culture shapes us. The Colson Fellows Program helps students recognize the subtle forces of culture on the ideas and values around us. This understanding equips students to identify areas of need and opportunities to make a difference. 

Quarter Three

Upon understanding worldview and culture, students are now able to analyze and interpret current cultural “flashpoints” such as sexual and racial identity, same-sex marriage, religious liberty, and sanctity of life. Students can respond with theologically grounded responses, making a positive difference in the culture around them. 

Quarter Four

Students study the idea of calling and bearing the image of God by exercising dominion and care over God’s world and making it better through our creative attention. The program concludes with the development of a personal mission plan that puts into practice all that the students have learned. Upon commissioning, Colson Fellows go on to implement their plans through their vocation, ministry, church, or local community. 
Glenwood is a proud Church Affiliate Cohort of The Colson Center. Because of The Colson Center's "church first" approach we are blessed to offer this program around half cost of the regional and online cohort tuition.